Regulations and Governance

Rental Housing Co-operatives are governed by the Housing Act 1983 (Vic) and the Co-operatives National Law Application Act (Vic) 1983.

Housing Act 1983 (Vic)

The objects of this Act include —

  • to ensure that every person in Victoria has adequate and appropriate housing at a price within his or her means by encouraging the provision of well-maintained public housing of suitable quality and location, and the participation of non-profit bodies in the provision of well maintained, affordable rental housing of suitable quality and location;
  • to expand and develop the role of the public sector in the provision of housing;
  • to provide a regulatory framework to encourage the development of rental housing agencies serving the housing needs of low-income tenants by providing for the registration of those rental housing agencies and the regulation and monitoring of registered agencies;
  • to promote security and variety of tenure;
  • to seek the participation of tenants and other community groups in the management of public housing and non-trading co-operatives engaged in the provision of rental housing to their members;
  • to promote public awareness of the role and functions of the public housing sector.


Co-operatives National Law Application Act (Vic) 1983

The Co-operatives National Law Application Act provides for the application of a national law relating to the formation, registration and operation of co-operatives, and promotes co-operative philosophy, principles, practices and objectives. Its primary objectives include:

  • to protect the interests of co-operatives, their members and the public in the operations and activities of co-operatives;
  • to ensure that the directors of co-operatives are accountable for their actions and decisions to the members of co-operatives;
  • to encourage and facilitate self-management by co-operatives at all levels; and
  • to encourage the development, integration and strengthening of co-operatives at local, regional, national and international levels.

Other legislation governing the operation of co-operatives includes:

  • Residential Tenancies Act 1997 – the Act defining tenant’s rights and obligations
  • Equal Opportunity Act 1995 – the Act relating to equal opportunity and protection against discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.
  • Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 – the Charter enshrines a set of rights derived from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and applies to all processes and decisions made by the Victorian State Government’s departments and public authorities.